Reviewing the KonMarie Method

A couple of weeks ago I discovered something called the KonMarie Method. If you've never heard of it, it's basically just a way to organize everything in your life from clothes to cutlery and beyond.

Anyway, I've implemented some things and I thought I'd share a review about the method; what I think works, what doesn't and why. Now, I haven't used everything from it. Frankly, I think "greeting the house" before tidying it up and "thanking items" before throwing them out is a little bit ridiculous but....each to his own. I'm not going to judge. Here are some positives and negatives:

  • I love Marie Kondo's idea of throwing everything you want to declutter into a pile on the bed so that you're confronted with everything you actually own. I did this with my clothes and I was surprised at how many I had that don't fit since I had Isabelle. It makes it WAY easier to go through and throw things out. I love that "clean" feeling after throwing out a bunch of stuff that was gathering dust anyway.
  • One big part of the KonMarie Method is that you're only supposed to save things that "spark joy for you." In other words, if it doesn't make you happy why are you holding onto it?
  • It is wonderful to be able to SEE everything that you have at-a-glance by storing things upright in drawers instead of laying them flat on top on each other.
Right after folding laundry everything stands up nice and neat

  • This method seems to be very time consuming (especially folding clothes). 
  • I hate folding using the KonMarie Method. I hate folding anyway. Adding time to a chore I already despise just makes me procrastinate on it longer. This totally defeats the purpose of trying to be organized and decluttered.
  • Above, as a positive, I put that I like being able to see things at-a-glance. Unfortunately, this lasts about one day. Let me explain. The day after laundry day, when everything is folded and put away nicely in the dresser drawer, everything stands up beautifully. Then I have to actually WEAR the clothes that are in my drawer. This empties the drawer out and clothes left in there fall over and you can't see anything again. Now, I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have the time, energy, or money to do laundry every day. If it doesn't bother you to have your pristine rows falling all over themselves, great! It bothers me. 
A few days of wearing clothes and the ones left in the drawer topple over
  • Trying to fold Isabelle's tiny, little, baby clothes is near impossible using the KonMarie Method. They are too small, some are too bulky to fold over (ei. jacket, sweaters), and they don't take up enough space in the drawer to stand up hardly at all.
Conclusion? I'm probably going to go back to folding laundry the way I always did before. Marie Kondo has some great ideas and ways to declutter and tidy up your house but I think I've come to terms with the fact that my house will always, and forever, look lived in.

Do you guys have any organization stories? I'd love to hear about them and your experience using this method. Leave me a comment!


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