Hello World

Okay! Here it is everyone. I have...a blog. Honestly, I never thought I'd actually be doing something like this. It seemed tedious and I didn't think anyone would want to read what I had to write. Then I got married.

My fabulous husband, Kevin, the love of my life, has been saying I need to start a blog since we got married. I always resisted saying, "who has time for that?" And then I broke my tablet (the tiny annoying computer I wasted my free time on). Darn it! Now I don't have an excuse to not share my thoughts.

It feels like I ought to give a little back-story...

I grew up in a pretty large homeschooling family. I am the second of nine children and the first girl. After graduation I went to college and graduated with a bachelor of fine arts in interior design and managed to get magna cum laude. I may or may not be just a teensy bit proud about that part of this story.
A few months after graduation I ran my first (probably only) triathlon and just a few days later met the man who would become my husband. Things happened really fast after that. We met at the end of 2015, got engaged 10 months later, and less than a year after that we were married. Two weeks after the most perfect day ever (July 15, 2017) we were pregnant and I was over the moon. I'd known for several years that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and now it was actually going to happen. I quit my job a few days before Isabelle Claire entered the world and here I am, 9 months later, writing a blog about all kinds of things (mom hacks, crafty things, baking, and who knows what else).

There now! We've been introduced.  :)


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