Nutritious Power Snack for Nursing Mothers (or anyone really)

One thing I discovered when I became a nursing mother is that I suddenly had a bottomless stomach. I was constantly hungry and craving carbs because, gosh darn it, it takes a LOT of energy to create milk. Naturally, while I was eating all those carbs I started to gain weight (slightly depressing after gaining all that weight during pregnancy).

So I went hunting for better things to eat that would keep me full and energized at the same time without helping me to pack on pounds I didn't need. Here is one of my favorite snacks:

Does this look delicious, or what? It only takes about 2 minutes to put it all together too which, if you're a mom you know, sometimes that's all you've got. Here's what you need:

  • 1 Banana
  • 2 tbsp Peanut Butter*
  • 1/4 c. Protein granola
  • 1 tbsp Mini chocolate chips
  1. Slice the banana into a bowl
  2. In a separate small bowl melt peanut butter in the microwave about 30-45 seconds
  3. Pour the peanut butter over the banana
  4. Sprinkle the granola and mini chocolate chips over the top
*Note: The serving size for peanut butter is 2 tablespoons. I used about 4 tablespoons on mine just because I LOVE peanut butter. You can do whichever you like.

Hope you all enjoy this!  Leave me a comment and let me know if you tried this and how you liked it. I'm also always searching for better things to eat while nursing so please share your favorite snacks with me too.


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